Friday, December 3, 2010

Traveling Companions - Los 3 Amigos

The guys: My dad, my husband, and my son.  Here we have opposite ends of the spectrum represented, with my dad and husband on one side, and my son on the other, and yet, I need both sides in my life.

The thing I appreciate most about my husband and my dad is that when you ask them a question, you're going to get the honest-to-God truth (as they see it), with absolutely ZERO sugarcoating. If you ask them if your butt looks big, they're likely to remind you that the state is reassigning zipcodes so that your butt all fits in the same one.  Now, don't get me wrong, they're not cruel about it.  There's just no such thing as a little white lie to spare someone's feelings when they are involved.  They also both believe that this whole acting idea is somewhat crazy - not because I don't have the talent, but because of the relative one-in-a-million, right-place-right-time nature of the business.  I think that they believe that the money spent on workshops and headshots and comp cards would be better spent playing the lottery. And yet, they're still there with me...supporting me in their own way, and bringing me back to Earth when my head gets too far in the clouds.

But sometimes, you just need that person who even if you look like a truck just ran you over, and your C Major is sounding more like X Double Flat Minor, tells you "Mommy, you're beautiful,  I love you". That's why God gave us sons. My little guy is about the most happy-go-lucky kid that I've seen, and he likes to pass his happiness to others.  Yeah, I know that his musical ear hasn't developed past Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, but in that moment when he says "Mommy, you sing pretty", it may as well be Mozart himself saying it.

Like I said, opposite ends of the spectrum, but you need both kind of people when you walk on water.

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