I want to start by saying this: I hate the word "Blog". I think it sounds stupid. Like the "blarg" sound the Irish make when they're frustrated. Or the word "blah". That really makes me want to be involved with something with that kind of name. And yet, here I am.
My purpose in starting this blog is twofold: A documentation of my journey in the entertainment industry, and also Step 4 in my pastor's instructions on How to Walk on Water (hence, the name of the blog). Look at that, Post 1 and I'm already on Step 4 - I must be ahead of the curve, right?
Truth is, I KNOW this is going to be a long, slow, frustrating experience. I've wanted to be an actress forever. Well, actually, my first ambition was to be the singing voice of a Disney Princess. There is a specific reason for that I may discuss in a future post. Also, since it is a slow journey, and there are WAAAAY more "Nos" than "Yeses", the posts could be few and far between at times.
Since I'm already at Step 4, I guess I should discuss what's happened previously in my journey.
Step 1. Make sure that it's what you were born to do.
Honestly, I don't know about "born to do", since my talent is actually more recently developed. I was not a good actress in high school. I was not a good singer in high school. I didn't make ONE play or musical in high school. I made a few in college, but they were few and far between. There are several things that have lead to me being ready at this time, whereas I was not before. But hey, a fellow North Carolinian/Illinoisan, Michael Jordan didn't make his high school basketball team, so some of us are just late bloomers.
Step 2. Decide that NOTHING can stop you.
This one is easy. I'm hard headed. REALLY hard headed. Check.
Step 3. Do it for real - don't just dangle your feet over the side of the boat.
Ok, this one is sort of a struggle. I AM signed as an actress to a talent agency (Carolina Talent), but I'm not quite ready to make the big move to NYC or LA. My daughter and I are going to the International Talent Showcase in July 2011 in Miami. Casting directors/agents/etc from around the world. I plan on this being my gauge. One part of the Showcase is getting callbacks from the directors/agents, and I think the amount of interest showing will be a good determining factor for how far out of the boat I jump.
Step 4. Tell Everyone.
This is where I am today. EVERYONE: THIS IS MY OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT THAT SOMEDAY, I WILL BE A WORKING ACTRESS. Which brings me to the next few steps:
Step 5. Expect others to laugh
This is a crazy dream. I get it. But if you know me at all, I don't mind crazy.
Step 6. Stick to it
Remember that hard head? Yeah.
Step 7. Expect to get lonely.
If this is a step I can skip, I'd be happy. We'll see. Everyone has lonely days, though.
Step 8. Value those who value your ambitions.
I'm lucky here - I actually do have a network of people already cheering me on. They mean so much to me. Not just my immediate family, but my church family, and Carolina Talent families as well. I also have great Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters who I can count on. I am truly, truly Step 8 Blessed.
Step 9. Never give up.
Hard. Head. I'm glad that so much of walking on water does involve having a hard head. It's something I'm already good at. I don't plan on giving up.
So, where do I go from here?
International Talent Showcase: I have FOUR HOUR PLUS training sessions each month that cover everything from commercial acting, monologue acting and auditioning to runway walking, print modeling, and camera work. Carolina Talent is providing us with some of the best people in the business. Besides Marc and Steven, who are our regular coaches, we also get treats like David Elliot with Buchwald and Associates (NYC/LA), and Maxann from Maxann's Casting, and current "biz" people to guide us along the way.
Local Level: I get semi-frequent emails from Marc at Carolina Talent about castings that have been released for this area. We also have some great local theatre companies: Theatre Charlotte, Matthews Playhouse, CPCC Theatre, and while none of those are paid, they give much-needed experience.
If you're still reading at this point, I thank you and look forward to sharing my journey with you,
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